
Do-It-Yourself doesn’t have to mean do it all by yourself.

blade sharpening
Bring in your knives, scissors, lawn-mower blades, and more and we'll sharpen them.

key cutting
Need a second or third copy of a key? stop on in and we'll your keys while you wait.

screen repair
We can easily repair your screens, just drop them off and we'll make them like new.

glass cutting
We have glass and Plexiglas that we'll cut to size for your repair needs

white glove delivery
We deliver patio furniture, grills, and bagged goods.

pipe cutting
We can cut black pipe, cast pipe, and more. Stop on in and see how we can help.
Alpharetta & Crabapple
Kitchen knives are very easy to sharpen, which is fortunate because most of them are left rattling around in drawers or abused in a variety of ways that dulls them very quickly. However, most kitchen-knife users seem to be satisfied with the condition of the knife as long as the cutting edge is keener than the back of the knife. The tolerance for dull knives is amazingly high in most kitchens.
The practical test of sharpness for a kitchen knife is whether or not it will slice soft vegetables, meat or bread. In all three uses, you do not want a knife with a classically sharp edge; you want a slightly serrated edge, a sort of combination between a knife and a saw.

Alpharetta & Crabapple
- Prevent accidental lockouts: Having a trusted friend or family member or a secure location with a spare copy of your house key can ensure that you’re never locked out of your home for long.
- Convenience for your family: If you have multiple people living under your roof, having spare keys for each member of your household or family can make life easier for everyone. If everyone has extra sets of keys and can lock and unlock the doors for themselves then it frees up everyone’s schedule; or someone can be there to help during an emergency situation.
- Fast key replacements: This may seem obvious, but having a spare key makes it easy and fast to make replacements of any type of key. If you lose your key or it breaks then making a copy will be impossible unless you have a spare from which to cut a new one.

Alpharetta & Crabapple
- Choice of materials
- Choice of size of mesh, from standard mesh to both wider or tighter
- Heavy-duty screens
- On-site screen fittings


Alpharetta & Crabapple